Dolman Law Chatbot - Saves $8K/mo
Project Objective: Develop an AI-driven chatbot capable of collecting and analyzing legal case information. This chatbot will assess various factors, including the likelihood of winning a case and estimating potential compensation amounts.
Issue: The customer support team is overwhelmed, dedicating extensive resources to address inquiries, despite a comprehensive FAQ section. Clients struggle to locate necessary information.
Challenges: The process involves handling submissions for 15 different types of cases, such as car accidents, motor vehicle collisions, slips and falls, etc. This includes gathering comprehensive data for a free case evaluation and addressing the 200 most frequently asked questions.
Solution: The implementation of the AI chatbot aims to streamline these processes by efficiently managing inquiries and data collection.
Outcomes: The introduction of the chatbot has resulted in over 1,500 hours of customer support time saved, significantly enhancing service efficiency.
Solution Python, LangChain, ChatGPT, Chroma DB